Getting Started with the Oklahoma Seal of Biliteracy

What is it?

  • The Oklahoma Seal of Biliteracy is a credential recognizing high school students who have attained a high level of proficiency in English and one or more other languages.

Why get involved?

  • Students who receive the Seal of Biliteracy obtain a nationally recognized credential that is attractive to colleges and future employers. It is also a fantastic way to strengthen your school’s language program and advocate for world languages and multilingualism in the state.

Who can receive it?

  • Any Oklahoma high school student who is proficient in English and one or more other languages! It does not matter how, where, or when the student acquired the languages.

What do students receive?

  • Students who qualify for the Oklahoma Seal of Biliteracy receive an official certificate and foil diploma seal from the OK State Department of Education. Districts will also add the credential to students’ official transcripts.

What counts as proficient?

  • The Oklahoma Seal of Biliteracy offers two levels: Gold and Platinum. Gold is attained at the Intermediate-Mid proficiency level, while Platinum corresponds to Advanced-Low (see the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines).

How can students show their proficiency?

  • There are many approved language tests to show proficiency in both English and the other language(s). Here is a list showing approved language tests and minimum score requirements for the Gold and Platinum levels. Please note that students may already have qualifying scores on the ACT, AP, IB, PSAT, SAT, or WIDA ACCESS tests.

Is there financial assistance available for proficiency testing?

  • Districts are encouraged to pay for or provide financial assistance to ensure no student is denied the credential due to financial burden. Assessments can be paid for using Title I funds, and students receiving free- and reduced-priced lunch can receive financial support using the same methods as other assessments (OSDE).

How do I submit qualifying students’ information?

  • By the end of April each year, teachers can work with their school administrators to report students’ information and qualifying test scores on the Single Sign-On platform.

Who can I contact for more information?

  • Please go to the OK State Department of Education page for the Oklahoma Seal of Biliteracy. You may also contact Dr. Cathleen Skinner, Director of World Languages at the OSDE (, or Dr. William Davis, Seal of Biliteracy chair for OFLTA, for more information.