How to join OFLTA!

Regular Membership:

2024-2025 Membership is included in the Fall Conference Registration. If you are NOT attending the Fall Conference, please see the pricing structure below. Please fill out the membership form below, and pay in our Payment Center or with our PayPal link HERE . Click on "Send", then the amount and reason.

  • Membership for full and part time K-20 World Language educators - $35 
  • Associate Membership for Retired or Inactive Teaching Professionals - $15
  • Full-Time World Language Education Students / Non-teaching (w/completed Membership Form) - $25
  • First-Year World Language Teachers (w/ completed Membership form) - Free
  • Lifetime OFLTA Membership (10 x $35 annual membership dues) Membership rates

Why Should I Join OFLTA ? 

  • Have opportunities to present at or attend professional development conferences and workshops created for and led by World Language teachers, and receive professional development certificates
  • Stay up-to-date with World Language trends, pedagogy, and research
  • Make connections with world language instructors across from the state of Oklahoma and build your circle of influence
  • Build your tenure files, professional networks, and/or build your professional development portfolios
  • Have access to professional awards and scholarships, including the Oklahoma’s Foreign Language Teacher of the Year Award
  • Create networking opportunities with established high school and university language programs
  • Have an instant community of support
  • Have opportunities to develop leadership skills within the World Language profession
  • Participate in collective advocacy for World Languages in Oklahoma schools and universities!

Entry Year and University Students : 

Entry year teachers (first year to the profession, not the first year at your school) and full-time world language education studentsmust fill out the Membership form (linked below) for the currentyear's membership. University students enrolled in World Language courses must complete the form each year. First year teacher membership is free, and university students is $25.

** Conference registration is FREE to Entry Year Teachers who have filled out the membership form.

** Conference registration is FREE to University students who have paid for their yearly membership, filled out the membership form, and have completed the Nancy Boles Scholarship application. The Nancy Boles Scholarship allows university students free registration and keeps a record of those students who have benefited from this scholarship. See our "Awards and Scholarships" page for information and the link to apply. This application must be received by any Early Bird deadline. To apply for the Nancy Boles Scholarship click HERE 

Both Entry Year teachers and University students must register conferences/workshops so that we know that you are coming!


  1. To renew/join, please click on and fill out the online membership form below. 
  2. Visit our Payment Center to pay for your membership via PayPal
  3. Pay with Venmo. We are @OFLTA on Venmo

OFLTA no longer accepts personal checks.